What has this experience taught you about overcoming obstacles? One thing that I’ve learned is that controversy and obstacles can be the most influential teachers to us all. That is the trick, we must consistently practice patience, because when we want instant gratification, we lose out on the abundance of joy that life provides. Patience is something that we seldom put into practice. We are, by far, the most spoiled group of people on this planet. We have become a society obsessed with instant gratification. Patience: This one is the most difficult. We all too often waste time on mundane things that are in no way, shape, or form relevant to who we truly are this is a recipe for disaster. If you’re not passionate about something, it’s not worth your time. Passion: Everything you do, you should do with passion.
Jacob schick how to#
Once you’ve learned how to quickly get back on the path when you’ve gotten out of your lane, it’s much more conducive to your overall happiness. Chaos tends to rapidly find those that stray away from their principles. Principles: If you live your life according to the principles that you truly believe in, you will find that it’s much easier to love yourself. What motivated you to get where you are today? As I like to say, they are the gift that keeps on giving, because the mental pain I experienced was ten times worse than the physical pain. I was labeled with two of the diagnoses most service members dread: traumatic brain injury and post-traumatic stress disorder.

I lost parts of my hand, arm and leg, but those weren’t the ‘worst’ of my injuries. I’ve undergone 46 operations and 23 blood transfusions and endured countless hours of rehabilitation.

I was in the hospital for a year and a half, both at Bethesda National Naval Hospital and at Brook Army Medical Center. It detonated directly beneath me, throwing me 30 feet into the air, and I landed on my head. The Defining Moment On September 20, 2004, the Humvee I was driving hit a triple stack tank mine that was pressure plate ignited. I enlisted my senior year of high school, and my recruitment officer showed up at my graduation–that’s how I told my parents I was going to be a Marine. My grandfather served in WWII and my uncle served in Vietnam, so joining the service was always my ambition. Jake’s Background I wanted to be in the Marine Corps since I was eight or nine years old. Please welcome Jake and share his #nevergiveupneverquit story!
Jacob schick movie#
Jake’s and Travis’s stories overlap a bit, as The Travis the Movie team met Jake in conjunction with a film screening in Dallas by the Center for Brain Health, and they also share the same personal trainer, David Vobora. Septemwill mark 10 years since his “Alive Day,” and we are honored to share his story with you. His inspiring story is one of courage, perseverance and patience. Today we’re sharing an interview with Jacob Schick, a retired marine.